Unlocking the Magic of "Three Wishes" by Liane Moriarty: A Guide to Wishes and Consequences

Three Wishes Liane Moriarty is a bestselling novel by Australian author Liane Moriarty. It tells the story of three friends who are granted three wishes by a mysterious stranger. The novel explores the themes of friendship, love, and the consequences of our choices.

Three Wishes has been praised for its relatable characters, its engaging plot, and its insightful exploration of human nature. It has been translated into more than 30 languages and has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide.

The novel’s success is due in part to its exploration of universal themes. The characters’ struggles with friendship, love, and loss are something that everyone can relate to. The novel also provides a thought-provoking look at the consequences of our choices. It asks the question: what would you do if you were granted three wishes?

Three Wishes Liane Moriarty

The key aspects of Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty are crucial to understanding the novel’s themes, characters, and plot. These aspects include:

  • Friendship
  • Love
  • Loss
  • Choice
  • Consequence
  • Magic
  • Hope
  • Redemption

Three Wishes explores the complex relationships between these aspects, showing how they can shape our lives and our choices. The novel asks the question: what would you do if you were granted three wishes? And what would the consequences be?


Friendship is a central theme in Three Wishes. The novel explores the complex relationships between friends, and how these relationships can be tested by difficult circumstances. The three main characters, Cate, Gemma, and Tully, have been friends since childhood. They have supported each other through thick and thin, and they know each other better than anyone else. However, when Cate is granted three wishes, their friendship is put to the test.

Cate’s first wish is for her husband to get a promotion. Her second wish is for her children to be happy and healthy. Her third wish is for her friendship with Gemma and Tully to last forever. However, Cate’s wishes have unintended consequences. Her husband’s promotion leads to him working long hours and being away from home more often. Her children become spoiled and demanding. And her friendship with Gemma and Tully is strained by jealousy and resentment.

Three Wishes shows that friendship is not always easy. It requires work and sacrifice. But it is also one of the most important things in life. Cate, Gemma, and Tully learn this lesson the hard way, but they eventually come to appreciate the value of their friendship.


Love is a central theme in Three Wishes. The novel explores the different types of love, including romantic love, friendship, and familial love. It also examines the power of love to change our lives and the people we love.

Cate’s first wish is for her husband to get a promotion. She loves him deeply and wants to make him happy. However, her wish has unintended consequences. Her husband’s promotion leads to him working long hours and being away from home more often. Cate begins to feel neglected and lonely. She also starts to resent her husband for putting his career ahead of their relationship.

Cate’s story shows that love is not always easy. It requires work and sacrifice. But it is also one of the most important things in life. Cate eventually learns to forgive her husband and to appreciate the love that they have together.


Loss is a central theme in Three Wishes. The novel explores the different types of loss, including the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, and the loss of a dream. It also examines the impact of loss on our lives and the people we love.

Cate’s first wish is for her husband to get a promotion. Her second wish is for her children to be happy and healthy. Her third wish is for her friendship with Gemma and Tully to last forever. However, Cate’s wishes have unintended consequences. Her husband’s promotion leads to him working long hours and being away from home more often. Her children become spoiled and demanding. And her friendship with Gemma and Tully is strained by jealousy and resentment.

Cate’s story shows that loss is a part of life. It is something that we all experience at some point. But it is also something that we can overcome. Cate eventually learns to accept the loss of her husband’s time and attention. She also learns to appreciate the love that she has for her children and her friends. Three Wishes shows that loss is not always easy, but it is something that we can all learn from.


Choice is a central theme in Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty. The novel explores the complex choices that the characters make, and the consequences of those choices. Cate, the main character, is granted three wishes by a mysterious stranger. She must choose carefully what she wishes for, as each wish has unintended consequences.

  • Power of Choice

    Cate’s three wishes give her the power to change her life and the lives of those around her. However, she must be careful not to make selfish wishes, as they could have negative consequences.

  • Responsibility of Choice

    With great power comes great responsibility. Cate must be responsible with her wishes, and consider the consequences before she makes them.

  • Limits of Choice

    Not all wishes are possible. Cate cannot wish for something that is impossible, such as wishing for world peace or to be immortal.

  • Consequences of Choice

    Every choice has consequences, both good and bad. Cate must be prepared to accept the consequences of her wishes, even if they are not what she expected.

The theme of choice is explored in a nuanced and thought-provoking way in Three Wishes. The novel shows that our choices have the power to shape our lives and the lives of those around us. It also shows that it is important to be mindful of the consequences of our choices before we make them.


In the novel Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty, the theme of consequence is explored in a nuanced and thought-provoking way. The novel shows that our choices have the power to shape our lives and the lives of those around us. It also shows that it is important to be mindful of the consequences of our choices before we make them.

The three main characters in the novel, Cate, Gemma, and Tully, are each granted three wishes by a mysterious stranger. At first, they are excited about the possibilities that their wishes offer. However, they soon learn that every wish has a consequence, both good and bad.

For example, Cate’s first wish is for her husband to get a promotion. Her wish is granted, but her husband’s new job requires him to work long hours and travel frequently. This puts a strain on their relationship, and Cate begins to feel neglected and lonely.

Gemma’s first wish is for her son to be cured of his illness. Her wish is granted, but her son’s recovery comes at a price. He is no longer the same boy that he was before he got sick. He is now withdrawn and distant, and Gemma struggles to connect with him.

Tully’s first wish is for her to be rich and famous. Her wish is granted, but she soon learns that fame and fortune come with a price. She is constantly hounded by the paparazzi and tabloids, and she finds it difficult to maintain her relationships with her friends and family.

The novel Three Wishes shows that it is important to be mindful of the consequences of our choices before we make them. Every wish has a consequence, both good and bad. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of a wish before making it.


In Liane Moriarty’s novel Three Wishes, magic plays a central role. The three main characters, Cate, Gemma, and Tully, are each granted three wishes by a mysterious stranger. At first, they are excited about the possibilities that their wishes offer. However, they soon learn that every wish has a consequence, both good and bad.

Magic is a powerful force in the novel. It can be used for good or for evil. Cate’s first wish is for her husband to get a promotion. Her wish is granted, but her husband’s new job requires him to work long hours and travel frequently. This puts a strain on their relationship, and Cate begins to feel neglected and lonely.

Gemma’s first wish is for her son to be cured of his illness. Her wish is granted, but her son’s recovery comes at a price. He is no longer the same boy that he was before he got sick. He is now withdrawn and distant, and Gemma struggles to connect with him.

Tully’s first wish is for her to be rich and famous. Her wish is granted, but she soon learns that fame and fortune come with a price. She is constantly hounded by the paparazzi and tabloids, and she finds it difficult to maintain her relationships with her friends and family.

The novel Three Wishes shows that magic is a powerful force that can be used for good or for evil. It is important to be mindful of the consequences of our wishes before we make them.


Hope is a central theme in Liane Moriarty’s novel Three Wishes. The novel explores the power of hope to sustain us through difficult times and to help us achieve our dreams. The three main characters, Cate, Gemma, and Tully, each have their own hopes and dreams. Cate hopes for a happy marriage and family. Gemma hopes for her son to be cured of his illness. Tully hopes for fame and fortune.

  • Hope for the Future

    Cate, Gemma, and Tully all have hopes for the future. They dream of a better life for themselves and their loved ones. They believe that anything is possible if they just keep hoping.

  • Hope in the Face of Adversity

    The three women face many challenges in their lives. Cate’s husband is often away on business. Gemma’s son is seriously ill. Tully’s career is in jeopardy. However, they never give up hope. They keep believing that things will get better.

  • Hope as a Source of Strength

    Hope gives Cate, Gemma, and Tully the strength to keep going. It helps them to overcome obstacles and to achieve their goals. They know that as long as they have hope, anything is possible.

  • Hope as a Gift

    The three women are grateful for the hope that they have. They know that it is a gift that can help them to get through anything. They share their hope with others, and they inspire them to never give up on their dreams.

Hope is a powerful force in the novel Three Wishes. It helps the three main characters to overcome challenges, achieve their goals, and live happy and fulfilling lives.


In Liane Moriarty’s novel Three Wishes, redemption is a central theme. The novel explores the power of redemption to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. The three main characters, Cate, Gemma, and Tully, each have their own journey of redemption.

Cate is a stay-at-home mom who feels unfulfilled and trapped in her life. She wishes for a more exciting and glamorous life. However, her wishes have unintended consequences, and she soon learns that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Gemma is a successful career woman who has sacrificed her personal life for her career. She wishes for a more meaningful and fulfilling life. However, her wishes also have unintended consequences, and she soon learns that she cannot have it all.

Tully is a social media influencer who is addicted to fame and fortune. She wishes for more love and acceptance in her life. However, her wishes also have unintended consequences, and she soon learns that true happiness cannot be found in material possessions.

Through their journeys of redemption, Cate, Gemma, and Tully learn that true happiness comes from within. They learn to accept themselves for who they are, and they learn to appreciate the simple things in life.

Three Wishes Liane Moriarty FAQs

This FAQ section provides answers to common questions and clarifies key aspects of “Three Wishes” by Liane Moriarty.

Question 1: What is the main theme of “Three Wishes”?

Answer: The main theme of “Three Wishes” is the power of choice and the consequences of our wishes.

Question 2: Who are the three main characters in “Three Wishes”?

Answer: The three main characters in “Three Wishes” are Cate, Gemma, and Tully.

Question 3: What are the three wishes that each character makes?

Answer: Cate wishes for her husband to get a promotion, Gemma wishes for her son to be cured of his illness, and Tully wishes to be rich and famous.

Question 4: What are the consequences of the characters’ wishes?

Answer: The consequences of the characters’ wishes are both good and bad. Cate’s husband gets a promotion, but he is away from home more often. Gemma’s son is cured of his illness, but he is no longer the same boy that he was before. Tully becomes rich and famous, but she is constantly hounded by the paparazzi.

Question 5: What is the message of “Three Wishes”?

Answer: The message of “Three Wishes” is that we should be careful what we wish for, because our wishes may have unintended consequences.

Question 6: Why is “Three Wishes” a popular novel?

Answer: “Three Wishes” is a popular novel because it is a well-written and thought-provoking story that explores universal themes such as love, loss, and friendship.

The FAQs provide concise answers to common questions about “Three Wishes” by Liane Moriarty. They clarify key aspects of the novel, such as the main theme, the characters, and the consequences of their wishes. The FAQs also provide insights into the novel’s message and popularity.

The next section of this article will delve deeper into the characters and their journeys in “Three Wishes”.

Three Wishes Liane Moriarty

This section provides practical tips for navigating wishes and their consequences, inspired by the novel “Three Wishes” by Liane Moriarty.

Tip 1: Consider the potential consequences before making a wish.

Every wish has the potential for both positive and negative outcomes. Take time to carefully consider the possible consequences before making a wish.

Tip 2: Be specific in your wishes.

The more specific you are in your wishes, the more likely you are to get what you want. Avoid making vague or general wishes.

Tip 3: Be careful what you wish for.

The old adage “Be careful what you wish for” is true for a reason. Sometimes, our wishes can have unintended consequences that we may not be prepared for.

Tip 4: Be prepared to accept the consequences of your wishes.

Once you make a wish, be prepared to accept the consequences, both good and bad.

Tip 5: Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you’re not sure what to wish for or if you’re struggling to deal with the consequences of a wish, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a friend, family member, or therapist.

Summary: By following these tips, you can increase the likelihood of making wishes that will have positive consequences for you and those around you.

The next section of this article will delve deeper into the characters and their journeys in “Three Wishes”.


This article has explored the key aspects of “Three Wishes” by Liane Moriarty, including its themes, characters, and plot. We have seen how the novel explores the power of choice, the consequences of our wishes, and the importance of being mindful of what we wish for. We have also learned some practical tips for navigating wishes and their consequences.

One of the most important messages of “Three Wishes” is that we should be careful what we wish for. Our wishes may have unintended consequences that we may not be prepared for. It is important to consider the potential consequences of our wishes before we make them. We should also be specific in our wishes and be prepared to accept the consequences of our wishes, both good and bad.

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